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Help with DMX


DJ Extraordinaire
I know the basics of DMX, and I am trying new things, getting more involved, and I feel I am doing something wrong. I can't quite communicate on here what's happening, and would REALLY appreciate it if someone that understands and knows DMX rather well could contact me. A quick 5 minute conversation could go a long way for me.

Thanks in advance.

469 583 7346
Happy to try
Thanks Steve for reaching out-- I suppose what I am asking is rather specific to analog controllers like the Obey 40.

I have a few questions, but I will start with this:

1. I have two sets of Up-lights (2 colors basically). One is on DMX channel 1, the next on 17.

When I click Fixture 1, and manually set a color, it's all good. Then I click off of 1, and click Fixture 2, and the fixture 1 goes off (resets). Why does it do this? The only work around is to go into program mode, even though I am not creating scenes. It seems to hold Figure's 1 settings, even when I click off of it, to program fixture 2.

So I have been doing this, but what sucks is if I want to go back to fixture 1, I am essentially starting over as soon as I move the slider. So if I want to fine tune an Amber, I essentially and resetting the R,G from start, not where I left off, before I went to fixture 2.

Again, this is probably not clear, and if someone is a DMX guy, I would appreciate a call.
It sounds like you're just trying to turn the fixtures on. What happens if you create a Scene?

What type of fixtures are we speaking of and what controller? Is it the Obey 40 controller? Do you want the fixtures to do the same things together?
scene is the same as going into program mode, so no point...

Yes, obey 40. No, I want static uplight color for each fixture.

Call me-- if you are able. I'm obviously not being clear.
Well, I'd like to try and air it out here if possible - this helps others too.

Why is there no point in setting scenes? Scenes are the 'basis' of using a controller with fixtures. Considering these are separate uplights, do you want each one to be the same color or separate colors?
the problem with going back and forth here is "you" might not be getting what I am saying, and it saves a lot of back and forth.

Regardless, I wold post the solution even it found via phone.

I appreciate you helping thus far! Means a lot.

There is no point in scenes for what I am doing, b/c I am manually trying to set two colors (one color per fixture), and it seems the only way to do this is to go into program mode, which is totally not a big deal, just seems odd. The other problem I have (and this would be the same with scenes) is once I set the color, if I want to go back to the other fixture, I essentially am starting over, so what I have been doing is leaving it on fixture 2 (2nd color) hoping that is the one I need to adjust later on, of course with scenes and dance-floor lighting control, that goes out the window.

it just seems odd that this is the way the DMX control behaves.

I have not even gotten to my 2nd question, which is much more complicated, and you will then full understand why scenes is not even an option (hint- I am also controlling scenes via dance floor lights), but let's not get into that part now.

469 583 7346
I haven't used your controller, but I've noticed in some computer software (Philips Colorplay) that when I click on fixtures, select colors, change settings it sometimes outputs DMX for 1 light only, just as a visual help, even though it's not running the program. It's possible that something similar is happening here, meaning it could be in a setting mode not a run mode.
I haven't used an outboard DMX controller in a long time. But from what I remember, you'll have to go into program mode as Ittiger has pointed out. These devices are designed to make scenes, chases etc. that can be saved and called up later. Sounds like you need a 2nd universe if you want complete separate control over 2 sets of lights. You might want to try freestyler (which is free) and has a support forum.
You have to use scenes. That's really the whole point of an outboard controller. Once you change fixtures, the faders are no longer connected to the fixture you switched from, so naturally when you make changes to the faders for fixture 2, your settings for fixture 1 evaporate. Scenes and chases allow you to do what you want to do in a simple DMX setup.
I cannot make a scene, b/c my dance floor lights are running off scenes.

Even if I made a scene for just the up-lights (ignoring the fact that I have other lights), I still can't adjust the color once the scene is created b/c of it's analog control.

I don't think I am getting my point across.

Please please, someone reach out to me. I would really appreciate it. Someone has to be a DMX guy here.

469 583 7346
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and like i said, when I hit program mode, it does the EXACT SAME THIGN as if I had created a scene.

It will hold the first fixture instead of blacking it out when deselecting it.
As I mentioned on the phone, I think the only way to make what you want work is to figure out how to get all the fixtures on the same 16 channel fixture. You can have scenes that set the values (colors, fades, etc), but having them all on one fixture address space, should keep the faders consistent.

And if you can get the most needed controls on the 1st bank of faders, you don't need to worry about fader switching. I believe the Obey 40 has commands to remap the faders if needed.

Not sure how many channels you'd need for the Core Pars, and how many different fixture groups you'd need for uplights, but if you use 4 ch mode for the uplights (separating them into 2 groups), you'd need 8 channels, leaving 8 for the dance floor lighting.

If you can map the most used commands to the first fader bank (say 3-4 faders for the dance floor lights and 2 faders each for the uplights (set colors on the second bank) .. might work.
core par is 8 channel, freedom par is 5 channel, and I have two of them.

Obviously, can't get them all on the same page, so it's no different than what I was doing, since I would have to switch pages to go back an forth.

No different that switching from fixture to fixture (how I do it now).
but we are jumping ahead. I am just trying to figure out how to control the up-lights.

Forget the dance floor lights for a moment.

Is there not a way to control the two uplight fixtures immediately without resetting the values every time I move the fader from one fixture to another.

It appears no matter what, I have to boot up the controller, and immediately hit program mode, or like I mentioned, clicking on/off of a fixture will just deactivate it completely. Program mode, will keep whatever setting you saved (just like scenes).

It appears there is no other way.
but we are jumping ahead. I am just trying to figure out how to control the up-lights.

Forget the dance floor lights for a moment.

Is there not a way to control the two uplight fixtures immediately without resetting the values every time I move the fader from one fixture to another.

It appears no matter what, I have to boot up the controller, and immediately hit program mode, or like I mentioned, clicking on/off of a fixture will just deactivate it completely. Program mode, will keep whatever setting you saved (just like scenes).

It appears there is no other way.
Based on the manual, it doesn't appear so unless they are the same logical fixture (setting the fixture address so it sits in half of the 16 channel space). 1 set of uplights at address 1 and the others at 9 if you want to control them in halves.
I am not following or I am not responding a clear manner. Maybe trying explaining on the phone again.

My main point is I can't use multiple lights on a 16 bank b/c I would still have to switch pages, plus it's not enough as I have two uplight fixtures running on 5 channel PLUS 9 channel for the dance floor lights.
I am not following or I am not responding a clear manner. Maybe trying explaining on the phone again.

My main point is I can't use multiple lights on a 16 bank b/c I would still have to switch pages, plus it's not enough as I have two uplight fixtures running on 5 channel PLUS 9 channel for the dance floor lights.
If you can't squeeze all the channels needed into a single 16 channel fixture space (uplight into 2 sets of 5 channels, and dance floor lights into 6 channels), then it does not look like you can do what you want.

Even using scenes will still require you to have them all within the same 16 channels as any change to fader 1 would change the values of DMX address 1, 17, 33, 50, etc. for any fixture that was on. Just a limitation of the board and the reason many have gone the software route.
no, b/c when you make scenes, 16 channels are control PER fixture. So you set one light, get off the fixture, now onto the next. You have 16 per fixture.

I have done it. Go get your obey 40 out. You will see.

Maybe it's time to call Chauvet.
no, b/c when you make scenes, 16 channels are control PER fixture. So you set one light, get off the fixture, now onto the next. You have 16 per fixture.

I have done it. Go get your obey 40 out. You will see.

Maybe it's time to call Chauvet.
If you make a scene with 3 fixtures (let's assume 2 different colored uplights and a single dance floor light), each scene would have to control all 3 devices, so scene 1 might be a macro command to the dance floor light, a red command to uplight 1 and a blue to uplight 2. Scene 2 might be sound active to the dance floor light and the same 2 colors to the uplights. ETc.

If each was setup as a separate fixture (let's say 1, 2 and 3), and you didn't map the faders, then when you selected scene 1, fader 1 would control the first channel of EACH fixture (since all 3 are on and mapped to the same faders). So unless you remapped faders or moved the adresses, will be nearly impossible to manually modify say just the channels on the dance floor lights (since the faders will affect all the fixtures).

The only way around it I believe is to get them into the same 16 channels somehow .. or .. forget manual control and make scenes for every possible combination you need.