Any of you have Day Jobs?

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DJing has been the primary source of income for many years, but I've typically always done something else for additional income. Did some work for Verizon for a number of years. Today, I also do business development for Biothane Coated Webbing. Durable, Cleanable, Waterproof webbing. You've all seen our product. Most of the chinstraps in the NFL and college are made with our product. . It also get used on dog collars, horse bridals and harnesses(instead of leather), EMS straps, belts, many military applications and medical devices, and many other areas. Basically, anywhere narrow fabric needs to be durable, cleanable, and waterproof. Family owned business, all US made right at our plant in Northeast Ohio, sold around the world.
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Professional, certified butcher ;), DJ'ing is a wonderful hobby (For free, my own events).
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