ADJ Took over Eliminator Lighting

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DJ Ricky B

DJ Extraordinaire
Mar 9, 2015
I guess I am late to the game, but I decided to check out the ADJ website just to see if they have any new products out in 2023 that are worth looking at (I did not find anything), but I noticed that they now offer Eliminator products. Apparently, they bought out Eliminator Lighting back in 2019. I either missed that, or forgot about it. I have always looked at Eliminator as having similar DJ light effect offerings at a lower price than ADJ or Chauvet. They also would have at least 1 or two products that the others were not offering...I remember 1 year a lot of DJs like the Big Bar letters saying "LOVE" they were selling. If I remember correctly, my very first set of basic PAR Can lights were Eliminator brand. The old school way to offer Up Lighting. Buying Gel sheets in the color the bride wanted, and cutting the gels out for the par cans!

I hope this is not like Gibson taking over Cerwin Vega. They made a speaker that I heard in GC and it sounded like trash. They didn't try selling it very long. It was I believe $800 or so. For the price it should have sounded much better!
I hope this is not like Gibson taking over Cerwin Vega. They made a speaker that I heard in GC and it sounded like trash. They didn't try selling it very long. It was I believe $800 or so. For the price it should have sounded much better!
Or is could have been a bad input source, or set up improperly, lots of variables before you can judge, and very few if any here would trust your judgement anyhow, based on all the mixed speakers systems we have seen you use