What does Open Community mean?

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Dan The Man

Staff member
ODJT Supporter
Jul 20, 2006
New York
Here at ODJT our tag line is an "An Open DJ community"

To me that means we let our members make most of the decisions. You see me asking questions about what to do on the site all the time. This is because the community belongs to you guys, without you there is no community. You guys get to make most of the decisions, I'm only the faciliator and geek that makes it happen.

We have a couple of moderators here at ODJT soon enough we'll be bringing a couple more people on staff here. Hopefully our moderators will never have to moderate and just facilitate good conversation.

We don't yet have rules and regulations. I personally don't see a need at this time because most rules and regs are just common sense. :)

What does "An open community" mean to you?
Hmmm that's a tough one. Pretty much what you summed up was what i was thinking about. I don't think limiting vendors or applying a Tax on vendors just to advertise... Some boards offer the "Advertising only on Monday" To me that seems like a bunch of bull... as long as your not spamming its alright.

An effect of the Advertising Rights i have seen on other boards is actually banning members for advertising about products and then the banned members requests a contract so he can advertise, what happens next? The contract never comes in and the banned member looses... It's a control of power which IMHO is NOT an open community,
Good stuff :)

Advertising is important to any website that needs to support itself. At the current time ODJT doesn't have to support itself, this website is hosted on a huge account along with all my other sites. Should this site grow very large we would over to a dedicated server. If that was the case, I'd have to accept advertisers other than AdSense just to cover my out of pocket expenses.

I'm all for helping the industury. Djs, suppliers. and related businesses as well. I don't want this to turn into a forum where advertisers register and do nothing but spam. There's a big difference between company A registering, being a contributing member and company B which registers just registers for the purpose of advertising.

With all that being said, I don't want have to moderate posts based on advertisers as other forums sometimes do. It's is unfair to the membership, that an unsatisfied customer cannot speak out to the masses because the product or company they're unsatisfied with advertises with my site.

vB has some powerful built in anti-spam features we should see very little spam from bots. :)