"What do 6 Vowels Say?"

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Oct 25, 2006
Leavenworth KS
This is a parody of "The Fox".

I had some help from my 5th grade students for the wording and the entire show was made by me using Photodex Proshow Producer. There are also some video clips from Pond 5 on here near the end.

The bridge to me is funny with the "mystery of Y" flying through outer space with some dancing rainbows and ultimately a friggin' unicorn.

Kids at my school love doing this song! I need a vocalist to reference the track so people will know the rhythm. My falsetto sucks so I can't sing the ending worth a damn....I'll probably just record a couple of kids at school.

It turns out someone else had the same idea and posted something similiar but mine is certainly different in its approach with the video I made...

This is an unlisted track on Youtube. Please don't share. I want to ultimately sell this to other teachers and have full lesson plans to go with it.

Watch in HD...