Moratorium on political threads?

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There are many political issues worth discussing, but it appears it might be in the best interest of board harmony to just leave the politics for other boards?

I am beginning to see that possibility but in all honesty John and to those who also partake of such active battle. I figure why cant our members abstain from clicking the keys in self moderation? This is a free forum but we wont tolerate bar room bashes. We need to use the maturity gene in most cases and abstain from joining the fight. What are we truly gaining in life to be part of such useless banter ? Play nicely as one of the best communitys on the WWW. Then a thread can meet its own demise without childish bickering.
Or the path that Pro DJ has taken could be applied. Pro DJ created a special side board for political/religious discussions and anyone interested has to sign up for it.
Full disclosure:

A woman in the next town over from me lost her husband on 9/11. He was on one of the planes that left Logan and was hijacked into the World Trade Center. Every year, there's a high profile golf tournament in his honor.

My state lost a lot of people on those planes, good people whose only crime was trying to live their lives when extremists needlessly ended it for them.

One of my best friends was in the Coast Guard and was sent to New York shortly after the attack to be a media liason between the world press and the Coast Guard's activities. He told his wife to tell us that whatever we were seeing on the news, the actual Ground Zero site was 10 times worse.

Another of my good friends was best friends with Danny Pearl, the reporter whose beheading video shocked the nation and world and once again revealed the hatred of these extremists. Pearl's crime? He was Jewish.

There have been 2 residents of my town who have been killed fighting these extremists.

My daughter's boyfriend is in the Guard and can be called into service if needed.

My wife's best friend has a son fighting somewhere over there, he's in Special Ops and cannot disclose his actual location.

I'm a little defensive about my country, about it being the victim of another attack (the JFK terror plot being only the most recent to be prevented), and I'm most defensive about people who are highly critical of our efforts to take the fight to the extremists and not wait to clean up after another attack on our own shores.

So when certain people on this or other boards exhibit hostile attitudes toward my country and its leaders and its declared mission, I get a tad defensive.

And now you know the rest of the story.
The company i used to work for lost five people in the Pentagon; two of which were my friends.

My nephew was given the choice of going to prison for assault or enlisting in the Army. The Marines took him instead. He's now in Iraq.

I lost two friends in Iraquie Freedom and three in Operation Desert Storm. I also had a friend on the Cole that lost his life due to the misguided beliefs of a bunch of idiots that wear their diaper in the wrong place.

I try very hard to forgive these people but they make it more and more difficult.

On the lighter side of it, Larry the Cable Guy said:

"How do you tell the difference between a toddler and a terrorist? The terrorist has the diaper on the head. In either case the diaper is full of sh*^!"
I just thought of something -- this is a political thread :) ;)

I lost a number of very good friends at the WTC and Pentagon myself. As some of you know, I worked in Manhattan for quite some time, and rode the party car on the train, and also did some work for the DoD in VA.

IMHO, if we can't discuss the reasons for it, the politics involved, etc., then they died in vain, as freedom no longer exists, and is replaced by fear and hatred...
One thing I learned many years ago as I'm sure most of us did was when you are in a social environment, you can't mix Religion and politics. Even more so when you are on a board, chat's real hard to get any body language on something "typed"...was it "tongue in cheek" ??. Was it just a "jab"....these things are hard to read over the written word. Has somebody had "one to many", and is getting carried away on the keyboard? Who knows the answers to these questions. Regardless, to the casual observer they can be very "offensive"'s easy to say later....well that was just a "jab", I didn't really mean it..........

What amazes me sometimes is when something gets "haywire" in a thread, back off. Regroup, don't take offense, just because somebody calls me a name in a post, doesn't mean they would do it to my face.......I rather doubt they would. To exit and leave the thread is not a "cowards" way out............. it's the "Adults" way of reacting to a bad situation, don't add "fuel to the fire".......

Just my nickel's worth......
add "fuel to the fire".......

You mean like this?

Personally it doesn't bother me that they exist but I just don't partake of them too much...I get into enough hot water all by my lonesome!

Seriously, there is a separate forum for that isn't there? (that shows how much I've been involved in them) I would say that if people aren't into it they just won't go there as I have, or not done.
I haven't seen them get so bad that we shouldn't have them. I actually like them... and, obviously, start some of them.

Was there a particular thread I missed that got way out of hand?
I think there should be a forum JUST for politics. That way if you want to talk politics you can go there specifically.

Just my 2 cents worth.
There is -- The Pub :)

I think that's why they made it an opt-in thing...

Lets' face it, if all anybody talked about was straight DJ talk, a good portion of the posts would not be here, the traffic would drop, the search engines would get bored, etc.

And, I'd be getting the pantry moths drunk because I didn't learn any better :sqlaugh:
I think there should be a forum JUST for politics. That way if you want to talk politics you can go there specifically.

Just my 2 cents worth.

And don't forget to include a special forum just for the sports talk. :D
We already have it... it's called Big Debates. Threads of a political, religious and/or the ex wife nature may be moved there.

Just an old dog's humble opinion... if you create a forum that's set aside specifically for boxing matches, that's exactly what you'll have ~ knock down, drag out fights.

Promoting a free-for-all religious and political forum is opening a bag of worms, trust me on this one. People come to ODJT to escape that stuff. :)
Warning: Nonsense Political Rant Ahead

I will come clean here: I have never voted in any election. Why? Because any politician, in todays world, is by nature a dishonest crook. They have to be. All of them, from William "Cold Cash" Jefferson to Mark "15 is too old for me" Foley is in no way looking out for the country or the people they represent. The very nature of the policital process today does not allow them to. From the day they are elected, the only thing are concerned with is how to get re-elected.

Not one person in Congress or one President in recent memory could every be considered a statesmen. The Founding Fathers were statesmen, who never envisioned a country run by career politicians. They came to the Nations capital, did their business of governemt, then returned home to their jobs.

Today, politians are nothing more than modern day snake oil salesmen and women. Both sides of the political spectrum sling the most vile venom they can at the other side in the hopes that their blind followers will not notice they do not do anything substanial to benefit the country.

Political debates, be it here, in another fourum or anywhere, are nothing more than a "I'm right, your wrong" pissing contest with no value or point.

Shut them down? No. because as nasty as these discussions are, we do live in a free society where you have the right to have them. If you don't like them, you can tell from the first line or two of a topic that is what it will be and just dont read any further.
We already have it... it's called Big Debates. Threads of a political, religious and/or the ex wife nature may be moved there.

Just an old dog's humble opinion... if you create a forum that's set aside specifically for boxing matches, that's exactly what you'll have ~ knock down, drag out fights.

Promoting a free-for-all religious and political forum is opening a bag of worms, trust me on this one. People come to ODJT to escape that stuff. :)
Fred, I respect you as much as anyone else here. Probably a bit more than most, actually, but I'm going to disagree with the last 2 sentences. I don't think we're "promoting" anything. To me, there's absolutely no reason why we here at DOT can't discuss anything and everything as long as it's not criminal in nature (I'm planning on killing my wife, robbing a bank, making a bomb etc).

Sex, politics, religion: it's all a part of most of our lives. There are those that choose to discuss it. There are those that don't.

Those that choose to discuss it should be able to discuss it without impunity. I'm not even going to bring up the 1st amendment. To me, if you get in the discussion, you'd better be able to dish it out AND take it WITHOUT whining to the mods in a PM. I mean, how big of a baby can you be??? I mock thee, whiners.

Too many freakin' self-righteous whinin' bitches in this world. Buck up people. Grow a set of balls, or a set of ovaries (whichever you prefer). If you want to discuss, discuss. If you don't, CHANGE THE CHANNEL!

Gotta go. My meds are kickin' in. LOL
I would like to see a separate forum for these typically no-no topics.....Politics, Religion. It would have to have some form of moderation.

What Fred is saying is correct.

If anyone in a heated debate in this forum could leave it in the forum, then there would not be a problem, however they end up bringing their nasty attitudes into the other forums, and that won't work.............

So a form of moderation would have to exist to protect the rest of the membership, in their resprctive forums.