That 70's Band

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DJ Extraordinaire
Oct 20, 2006
Long Island NY
So I am at TGIF Friday's grand reopening event they are having in their parking. They have the band "That 70's Band" well I must say they nailed although I couldn't stay too long as the kids were saying all the old music was giving them gray hair. They had the whole crowd moving. Some of their Dance sets were even mixed. I don't know if I'm getting old but I'm beginning to really appreciate some of these 70s band. It could be it brings me back to the days before I started DJing. Back then everyone was in a band. Had a ton of fun in the bands but never made any money, not a good thing when you were trying to get your first car.

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Yea, bands ruled in the 70s and 80s. We used to go to a local pub on Tuesdays .. the beer was 50 cents, no cover, and there was a decent band. Not sure how anyone made money back then.
Everytine I hear a good band I say I need to " Get the band back together" My last band broke up went I graduated from High School, I played the guitar. My father was a professional musician, played the sax. Started me on the clarinet and I was supposed to transition to but the schools wouldn't let me. Was really good too So I quit when I got to High School ( can't be a jock and play the clarinet) and became a mediocre guitar player but learned to cover it up well. I always think if I continued with the clarinet I'd be in a polka band? Life's funny.
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Way back in elementary school, I started on clarinet - in middle school, moved to baritone sax (jazz band) - and somewhere in high school, gave them up. For about 10 years now, I have had a few guitars that I mess with but can't really play well. Music (the DJ kind) has been there for me from middle school to now.
Gigs for musicians were plentiful in the 60s-70s. There were bars & clubs that had music 6-7 nights a week and they'd switch bands once or twice a week. I played 7 nights a week for 3 months in a strip club in 1974 and the pay was terrible. But I made much better coin in other venues.

The 80s-90s were still pretty good for getting gigs. Now days it's all one nighters which means musicians have to find more places to play - and also have to setup/tear down at every gig. Getting less work as a musician led me to DJing as it did for many musicians. There's still plenty of work for established musicians in some areas of the US.
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I also did clarinet for 3 years in elementary school .. won the music award when I graduated .. and left it behind, since the clarinet just wasn't "cool" in Jr. High.
My brothers got all of the musical talent. I got the looks, so it kind of evened out.

My brother Keith is a full time musician in Austin Texas. He plays bass for a band called Stoney Larue. My brother Chris plays keyboards for several bands and often gets hired as a studio musician in recordings.

He played and traveled with the Broadway play Love Janis for 3 yrs.