Three Billy Goats Gruff

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Why should he? He has nothing to prove to us.​
Then why does he consistantly ask for proof from us?

are we 3 years old again?

You tell me. This was your rant and his actions. Do you think he would have stopped baiting folks had they "simply" said that they had nothing to prove?

Nope, the baiting will go on even if Cesar had left. What we need to focus on is the message behind his madness.
I'm still lost .. if Cesar IS a DJ, as the links would seem to show, why in the world would he not want his information available? If he is hiding from someone, having a website doesn't help. Being here and then hiding behind an anonymous banner doesn't help either.
You tell me. This was your rant and his actions. Do you think he would have stopped baiting folks had they "simply" said that they had nothing to prove?

What's kindergarten about this whole debate is that you are speaking for others that can speak for themselves should they choose to. The whole Justice League thing is grade school.

The two examples are a generalist feel about this place. I am not speaking for others, not towards any one individual, but this seems to the be focus that you and others can only relate to.
I'm still lost .. if Cesar IS a DJ, as the links would seem to show, why in the world would he not want his information available? If he is hiding from someone, having a website doesn't help. Being here and then hiding behind an anonymous banner doesn't help either.

WHO CARES! From what I can read in peoples posts; this tells me who is real or not, by the experiences they share.
We "need" to? That sounds creepy and cult-like. Maybe you need to start idolizing yourself instead of others. This is an industry of individuals, not drones.

This is the funniest thing I have read on this site!! Individuals? I think not.

and the We comes from many many years of Customer Service. You never say You, I,
WHO CARES! From what I can read in peoples posts; this tells me who is real or not, by the experiences they share.
You don't .. I do .. simple.
Don't have one.
This is the funniest thing I have read on this site!! Individuals? I think not.

Okay, this should be good. Kindly explain how "we" are all the same thing (business, service, DJ, etc.) or unified. I don't know about "you" but "I" am an individual DJ service provider. "I" have and will always conduct "my" business as "I" see fit. "My" clients are not "yours" or "theirs". So until some law is passed or union is formed, "we" are indeed individuals.
Okay, this should be good. Kindly explain how "we" are all the same thing (business, service, DJ, etc.) or unified. I don't know about "you" but "I" am an individual DJ service provider. "I" have and will always conduct "my" business as "I" see fit. "My" clients are not "yours" or "theirs".

Wanted to respond to you via PM, however the system doesn't allow. After reviewing your site, especially the FAQs, I feel that you are en exception to the individualism that I speak of.

The 'individual comment' threads from many posts about you cant be a DJ unless you use XXX equipment, charge $XXX, Love Stories, Videos, Act as the Wedding Coordinator, etc. etc.
Al - Anyone can be a DJ .. I have no issue with answering questions from a guy who does it on a pair of old Radio Shack speakers and a home audio receiver. I just like to know who I am conversing with. Simply that.
Thanks Al .. that clears everything up. I'll now give Cesar all the attention she/he deserves.
Al - Anyone can be a DJ .. I have no issue with answering questions from a guy who does it on a pair of old Radio Shack speakers and a home audio receiver. I just like to know who I am conversing with. Simply that.
Ditto that and I'l add that if they're not serious or aren't willing to hear more than one answer or the truth, they can leave and stop wasting resources. That speaks mostly to the 13-16 year old anonymous newbies that think this is the "Call of Duty" forum.

Oh, and they need to give all the info possible when asking and type as accurately as possible.
You know there is an active thread right now on perception in one of the areas of this board. The idea of perception does not apply just to clients, but to all those you interact with. If you come off as an ass in your manners of your posts, than that is how you are perceived. It does not matter if your post are inspired by the divine, if you present them poorly, or in a very offensive or condescensing manner than the perception is that you are an ass. Not calling anyone out here in particular is in this case, but this perception idea can be applied to anyone who posts here.
There are plenty of ways to be an ass. One is to insist that someone qualify themselves before they speak. There is a long history of that on chat boards, often by insecure people who need to know whether to kiss up or look down before they reply. Another way to be an ass is to equate your right to speak with a right to be understood. Once something leaves your keyboard you have no control over it's reception and it's not your job or often possible to compensate for other people's predisposition.

As for identity or history, one DJ I know proudly summed up his own business plan with: "the best idea is a stolen idea" and to that extent I can't blame anyone for being anonymous. You don't have to share everything to express anything. If you are offered a slice - accept or decline it but I see no need to show anyone the whole pie or any other slices.

The nice thing about the game of give and take is that you can choose and decline partners as you see fit. ..and when you choose to decline there's no real reason to mention it is there?