New Year Eve, What ya got?

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New DJ
Dec 26, 2010
Northern Virginia
So hopefully by now everyone has been booked for their new years eve gig.

Lets hear the details on your 2010 NYE Party.

We were booked to DJ for the German Armed Forces.

I hope it will be a good time. I was told ahead of time they are a tough group to get dancing, but once they are up and moving they will be ok.

One thing that concerns me is the room we are setting up in is at the opposite end of the building. The other rooms at the other end of the building is where the food and bar and such will be. So i'm hoping that doesn't throw a wrench in things. But i was told they are wanting to hear Top40, Hip-hop, and Club! Should be a good time, booked for 6 hours, but was told if it didnt make it that long they will end it at the 5 hour mark. and i could keep the extra hour.

Our seconds NYE gig will be for a company in our area, who are throwing it in the companies presidents house. I have a 2nd DJ of our doing that one. They want pretty much all mainstream top-40 and hiphop. 5 hour for this gig.

What about you, what do you have going on?
2 in a row. In one room, an all age family style party for everyone at the Estes Park YMCA of the Rockies from 7 to 10 then I go into the skating rink (attached to the east end of the longhouse in a separate room) and do a college group from 10 to 1am. No alcohol at either event, I get paid, I get a room afterward and fed a huge breakfast in the morning. Life is good. (and yes...I'll have a roadie and 2 systems.
Working at my day job... sigh Had a chance to make $1800 that weekend doing a mall even more of a sigh....
I have a 3 hour wedding 7 - 10,,,$1000, I'll be done and home safe before the crazies hit the road.
I prefer to celebrate by not DJing.

Last year I was in the poker room at a casino. It was right next to one of their bars, so we heard all the revelry. All the TVs in the poker room were watching the ball drop. Just after 11:58, they started playing the TV audio (although it was hard to hear over the bar crowd), and all poker tables stopped play. Waitresses passed out champagne. Poker resumed by 12:02. It was a great three minutes, and I really enjoyed it.

This year I'm going to be officiating a wedding. It's at 7:30, a the beginning of a home NYE party. I'm invited to stay and party. I may do just that. Then again, I may head out to the casino, and get there by around 10:00....
Get together at home should be fun ;)
Had a great gig last year.
only had to play between sets of a GREAT live band, no PA, just my rig, brought my wife, got free food and drinks and a free hotel room...
and paid quite well!

was all set up for the same deal this year
and the person in charge decided to "GO CHEAP" and bail out.

the sound company and I both have "must pay" contracts
so it might get interesting

I guess I'm sitting home this year!
Hopefully I will be packing items for my new Traveling Roadshow Adventure. This might include some liquid beverage considering its New Years Eve.
I did a 25th Wedding Anniversary on the 18th at an Irish Pub. They closed their establishment for this private party. About an hour into the gig, the owner came up and told me I was doing a fantastic job and was by far the best DJ he had ever heard. Then when I was packing up, the manager told me the whole staff agreed - I was the first person ever to get the sound right in their establishment and heads above any other DJ that had been there.

I was asked to do 9 pm to 1 am there for New Years Eve. Since I have family in from out of town, we'll have dinner there. Then it will be time to rock'em again with my Dynacords.
Largest New Years Eve party In Stockton Ca. for the 4th year in a row. It really is a good deal its a money maker for this place. I think they probably make about 20k before expenses. Here is the balloon drop from last year. They where a little off on the time. :tribiggrin: Best viewed in full screen.

YouTube - Stockton Ballroom New Years Eve 2009 (HD) Balloon Drop

We have three of them all small venues and older crowds
Naw the bowling alley closed a couple of months ago....Broke my heart :triwink:
Hope not....BTW we really do have a Drivein here.....Told ya I live in Mayberry :triwink:
NYE party for a repeat organization (our 10th yr)
They usually get about 225 people who love a mix of everything (except rap & hip-hop) Especially the oldies. They love country music too.