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Custom cart with 2 RCF J8s, Chauvet Gigbar 2, tripod for lights, poles for RCFs already assembled with speakons permanently attached, 2 laptops-hard drives-power packs, Denon Commander Sport for ceremony music, Phitz cable bag, and camera case with 2 A7iii bodies and 3 lenses. No flat wheels
Compared to you, I have way too much stuff. :laugh:
I used to have a 12x24 room full of DJ stuff plus overflow into my garage. Several years ago I made a resolution to stop holding onto stuff I wasn't gonna use. I sold 18 complete systems to bars. I used to have 10 complete sets of my 1,000 CDs. I sold a set each with 10 of the systems so it was actually quite profitable.

Today I only have what you see on the cart, a double set of back-up wire in the storage area of my SUV, And way too many wireless mic sets on a shelf. Thanks for reminding me, I need to sell some of those off too!
I need to replace my lavaliere set one day. The one I own (audio-tecnica) sounds bad.

I hate those. I've got a bunch I'm gonna sell too. I much prefer using a Shure SM58 for any mic needs. The ceremony I did last weekend I had one in a tree. Worked perfect :D
I hate those. I've got a bunch I'm gonna sell too. I much prefer using a Shure SM58 for any mic needs. The ceremony I did last weekend I had one in a tree. Worked perfect :D
At the wedding I did Saturday, I used a handheld mic with an x-vive wireless adapter. I love those things.

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DJ Setups
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LG Electronics LM-X410.F
Focal length
3.7 mm
Exposure time
1/120 second(s)
Off, did not fire
File size
2.1 MB
Date taken
Sat, 02 October 2021 11:49 AM
3869px x 2986px

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