Well, that sucks (for him). Troubleshooting is a fine art (sometimes) and gets magnitudes harder when you find yourself under the gun.
Speaking of problems (and Karafun), I had what I consider my first legit complaint last night. I'm using Karafun with a pro subscription. The singers get on a list, then come up to the stage when their name is called. I ask them what song, search it, then hit play. It's reasonably efficient and I've had very, very few songs I couldn't find a track for. Last night, several of the regulars got blasted on shots, including one of the more popular singers. She came up to sing and could barely stand up, much less sing. She tried to do a song and failed, she was just too drunk. She then went back to gripe to her boyfriend that I had "the wrong version". He in turn went to one of the officers and complained, who then (politely) came to me to ask me to find an alternative that would give them multiple choices per song. I'm kinda at a loss for words and don't see how it's possible for me, a the K-jock to know which particular version of every song I'm supposed to play. I was kinda hoping this little sit-down gig might roll for a while but maybe not. Any suggestions appreciated.