I am looking to pick up a 512 GB micro SD card and the choices are staggering. The most relevant specification may be speed class. Here is a link to all the classifications https://www.sdcard.org/consumers/choices/speed_class/index.html. Most of these reference video playback/record issues which I care nothing about. I am more interested in search and access speeds. Does anyone have any practical experience with such cards ever being insufficient for DJ purposes?
I also see some manufactures (e.g. Samsung) have many different lines of cards but as far as I can tell it is mostly just to differentiate for the distribution method. For instance, Amazon sells the EVO Select series. Does anyone have experience with one line over another?
I also see some manufactures (e.g. Samsung) have many different lines of cards but as far as I can tell it is mostly just to differentiate for the distribution method. For instance, Amazon sells the EVO Select series. Does anyone have experience with one line over another?