just got a few backdrops for $4 each

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RIP- My Dad (2011), Sister (2013) and Mum (2017)
Think these retails for up to who knows but I got them cheap and still in the boxes...

here is what I saw on the ad I bought from


also got 2x others not listed for $2 each locally
DO you have a link to these? I need some clever backdrops for video conferencing and replies to cold call/email prospects.
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Sorry. I meant a link to a page where one can make a purchase of whatever they have available for sale. A link to the store.
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Sorry Cap, these was at a flea market from facebook and thought others would like to see them.... but if I had the location I would have posted the link as well

there are places on ebay that handles loads of backdrops you can get (cheap) too - if you want some links I can get them for you too
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